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PyElastica v0.1.0 Released

November 02, 2020 Major

We have officially released PyElastica v0.1.0!

Upgrade PyElastica with the command $ pip install –-upgrade pyelastica

New This Release

This release of PyElastica uses the Python package numba to enable just in time compilation leading to a ~8x speedup over the previous version. Numba is not required to run PyElastica and if numba is not installed, PyElastica will defualt to the non-numba implementation. As such, if you wish to take advantage of the speed-up afforded by numba, please be sure to install it separately.

Future releases of PyElastica will require numba and we will no longer be maintaining the non-numba code beyond this release.

We have also included an example script for visualizing PyElastica simulations using POVray. This script is located in the examples folder (examples/visualization).

PyElastica is available for download on GitHub

PIP Package for PyElastica (v0.0.2)

April 15, 2020 Minor

We have created a PyPI package for PyElastica. You can now easily install PyElastica with the command: $ pip install pyelastica.

PyElastica v0.0.1 Released

April 08, 2020 Major

We have publicly released the initial release of PyElasica (v0.0.1)!

This current version of PyElastica is the educational version. It is a straight forward Python implementation of the Elastica method making heavy use of numpy. As such, it is very slow. We are working on a significantly accelerated Python version of the code that we hope to release soon.

PyElastica is available for download on GitHub