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We have officially released PyElastica v0.1.0!

Upgrade PyElastica with the command $ pip install –-upgrade pyelastica

New This Release

This release of PyElastica uses the Python package numba to enable just in time compilation leading to a ~8x speedup over the previous version. Numba is not required to run PyElastica and if numba is not installed, PyElastica will defualt to the non-numba implementation. As such, if you wish to take advantage of the speed-up afforded by numba, please be sure to install it separately.

Future releases of PyElastica will require numba and we will no longer be maintaining the non-numba code beyond this release.

We have also included an example script for visualizing PyElastica simulations using POVray. This script is located in the examples folder (examples/visualization).

PyElastica is available for download on GitHub