These publications are provided to the academic community for use in teaching and research. All copyrights remain with the appropriate parties as listed in the publications themselves.
Bhosale, Weiner, Butler, Kim, Gazzola, King, Micromechanical origin of plasticity and hysteresis in nest-like packings, arXiv:2112.00784.
Wang, Halder, Gribkova, Gazzola, Mehta, Control-oriented modeling of bend propagation in an octopus arm, arXiv:2110.07211.
Chang, Halder, Gribkova, Tekinalp, Naughton, Gazzola, Mehta, Controlling a CyberOctopus soft arm with muscle-like actuation, arXiv:2010.03368.
Zhang, Naughton, Parthasarathy, Gazzola, Friction modulation in limbless, three-dimensional gaits and heterogeneous terrains, Nature Communications, 2021.
Wang, Halder, Chang, Gazzola, Mehta, Optimal control of a soft CyberOctopus arm, American Control Conference (ACC), 2021.
Naughton, Sun, Tekinalp, Chowdhary, Gazzola, Elastica: A compliant mechanics environment for soft robotic control, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2021.
Wang, Zhang, Park, Park, Kilicarslan, Kim, Dou, Bashir, Gazzola, Computationally assisted design and selection of maneuverable biological walking machines, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2021.
Chang, Halder, Shih, Tekinalp, Parthasarathy, Gribkova, Chowdhary, Gillette, Gazzola, Mehta, Energy shaping control of a CyberOctopus soft arm, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2020.
Weiner, Bhosale, Gazzola, King, Mechanics of randomly packed filaments – the ‘bird nest’ as meta-material, Journal of Applied Physics, 2020.
Zhang, Chan, Parthasarathy, Gazzola, Modeling and simulation of complex dynamic musculoskeletal architectures, Nature Communications, 2019.
Charles, Gazzola, Mahadevan, Topology, geometry, and mechanics of strongly stretched and twisted filaments: solenoids, plectonemes, and artificial muscle fibers, Physical Review Letters, 2019.
Aydin, Zhang, Nuethong, Pagan-Diaz, Bashir, Gazzola, Saif, Neuromuscular actuation of biohybrid motile bots, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2019.
Chowdhary, Gazzola, Krishnan, Soman, Lovell, Soft robotics as an enabling technology for agroforestry practice and research, Sustainability, 2019.
Gazzola, Dudte, McCormick, Mahadevan, Forward and inverse problems in the mechanics of soft filaments, Royal Society Open Science, 2018.
Pagan‐Diaz, Zhang, Grant, Kim, Aydin, Cvetkovic, Ko, Solomon, Hollis, Kong, Saif, Gazzola, Bashir, Simulation and fabrication of stronger, larger and faster walking biohybrid machines, Advanced Functional Materials, 2018.