Elastica Sponsor Logos Cosserat Rods | Elastica

Funding for the development of Elastica has been provided by:

ONR MURI #N00014-19-1-2373: A CyberOctopus that learns, evolves and adapts
NSF EFRI C3 SoRo #1830881: An integrated approach towards computational design, fabrication and understanding of bio-hybrid soft architectures capable of adaptive behavior
NSF CAREER #1846752: Harnessing viscous streaming in complex active systems: mini-bots in fluids
NSF MOMS #ENG-1825440: Emergent Mechanics of Randomly Packed Elastic Filaments
USDA #2019-67021-28989: Multipurpose Dexterous Soft and Continuum Arms for Compact Ag-bots
NSF/NCSA Blue Waters #OCI-0725070, #ACI-1238993
XSEDE/TACC Stampede2 #TG-MCB190004
UIUC Strategic Research Initiative (SRI) Program: Modeling, simulation, and characterization of bio-hybrid neural architectures.

Elastica Sponsor Logos